Thursday, July 06, 2006

Vacation stuff

Man, it's already hard to remember what we did. Work sucks.

Ok, we left Friday, headed to San Antonio, to spend the night. Well, we got to San Antonio by 8:30pm, and I felt good, so Angie got the hotel to change our reservation to somewhere closer to the coast. We ended up in Ingleside for the night, only 14 miles from Port Aransas. Excellent.

Got up the next morning, and went on down to Port A. We met up with our friends Brian and Penny and their two kids Bridgette and Brian. Also with Todd and Allie and their daughter Lauren. These are two of my closest friends, they are who I go to the dunes with every year. Unfortunately, they were on their way out of town as we were arriving. So a short visit and then, bye bye. Next year, they are backing their vacation up a week, as we came a week early this year, and we will all be there at the same time, along with Angie's family, and possibly Bill and Lisa Skidmore. Table for 35 anyone, that shouldn't be a very long wait, but fun as hell.

Anyway, we checked in to the loudest, nastiest, piece-of-shit, motel ever. What a crock. Anyway we only lasted 3 nights there, before Angie got up one morning and left, only to come back 15 minutes later and said, "Pack our shit up, we are moving NOW!" OK, what do you say to that? Nothing, you pack and NOW! She only got about 4 hours of sleep in 2 of our nights there, the one in the middle she slept pretty good. Our neighbors SUUUUUCCCCKKKKEEEDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Partied all night, every night. Anyway, off to better and quieter digs for the remainder of our stay. NEVER, EVER, EVER EVER EVER STAY AT THE SHARK REEF RESORT!!!!!!!!!!!!! You'll thank me for that, I promise.

First day at the beach, Great. Mark and Karen were there late the night we stayed in Ingleside. Angie's sister and Mark, her man. Great guy, by the way. Absolutely love fishing with him and Karen every chance I get. We fish, at night, all night sometimes, and it is a blast. Nothing better that drinking a beer with squid juice running off your fingertips, watching your fishing pole work up and down with an untold fish on the other end. That is the best thing about fishing in the ocean. You never know what you will catch, and half the time you don't know what the hell it is when you get it to shore. But, the first night, I knew, as did everyone else there, that it was a SHARK when I got it to shore. Karen was PISSED!!! She has always wanted to catch a shark, and all I did was cast my pole out there, sit, drink, and reel in a SHARK, so from time to time, I'd walk off and back, and yell "Oh my God, a shark!" Anyway, fun stuff, till 4 or 5 am. All the while Angie was putting up with the neighbors from hell. Sorry Babe!

Well, that's about all I have time for now, but I will finish. Wait till we get to what happened our second Saturday night there. Let's just say, I no longer have a work vehicle. If you already know, don't spoil it, and if you don't, try to guess.

I tried to leave some pics, but it didn't take, so I will do it from home.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

HI, I'm back!!

WOW, what difference a week and a half makes! You won't, or at least I don't, believe what has changed. Interesting stuff, huh? Yeah, I will follow it up tommorrow. We had a great time, for about 95% of the vacation, then the 5%! Stay tuned. More to follow.
