Saturday, February 04, 2006


Well, thanks to my boys, my guarantees are signed, sealed and delivered. We won in a blowout. A 56-18 kind of a blowout. Matthew had not one, not two, but three baskets. Everyone on the team scored except for one boy, and he had plenty of chances, he just didn't get it done. Everyone played exceptional defense, especially Matthew. He was in a shoving battle for position all game, a battle that he won, by the way. Like I said before, my boy is aggressive, he told me that he just didn't know he could do that. Now he does, and he did it outstandingly well. VERY VERY PROUD of all the boys on the team. Too bad that there are only 2 games left, but the softball draft is the following weekend and opening weekend is March 25th. I can't wait for that either. My assistant coach was at Natalie's party tonight, and her and her daughter are ready to go too. I think it is because it is not cold, but I am ready to get started. It will probably freeze and rain every day we have a practice scheduled, but I don't care.

Well, that's it, just a quick update.

Weights should start coming in tommorrow, and hopefully be posted by Monday evening.



Friday, February 03, 2006


Ok, last week, I said "I guarantee Matthew will score this week." Period. End of statement. Well, he didn't. Also, we lost the game 44-36. That sucked, but we were down 18-2 after the first quarter, so we had a pretty good comeback. The reason that I made the guarantee was because I watched the team we played this weekend play their last game. They were horrible. I guess I watched the wrong team play. They had at least 3 kids, maybe 4, that were as good as our best player. They beat us everywhere. I have a feeling that, since we didn't get to pick our own players, maybe these were the kids of the moms that run our league. You don't just volunteer to be on the commission of a league at random. Also, you don't volunteer to take on such a responsibility if your kid is just OK at that sport. We were told that there would be no trading of players at our first meeting. What does that tell you?

Anyway, we have a big game this weekend. Not that it is actually a big game, but we will have a lot of extra family members in attendance. So, as Jimmy Johnson said before the Cowboys playoff game against San Francisco. "Print it in 4 inch type across the front page of the Dallas Morning News, 'We Will Win The Game.'" You're damn right we will. Matthew will be playing the first, second and fourth quarter, and he will be aggressive. Another guarantee.

I just wish Tyler Brzezinski lived here too, I could use the tenacity. Those two boys together would be a force, I promise.

So, if you are around, stop by Rann Elementary Saturday at 12:30, you will see the game of the day. Maybe you will see the blowout of the day, whatever. Either way, we will win, I guarantee.

Hope to see you there,


P.S. Matt WILL score this weekend, I GUARANTEE!!!


Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Weight update

Here they are, 16 still not reporting, or answering the phone.

1 = This weeks weight
2 = pounds lost this week
3 = this weeks percentage
4 = total weight lost
5 = total persentage of weight lost


01 - 193-----0-------0.00-----5------2.53
02 - 164----+1------+0.61-----1------0.61
03 - 251-----2-------0.79----16------5.99
04 - 244-----2-------0.81----12------4.69
05 - 197-----2-------1.01----13------6.19
06 - 131.5---0.5-----0.38----3.5-----2.59
07 - 225-----3-------1.32-----8------3.43
08 - 246-----3-------1.20----19------7.17
09 - 240-----0-------0.00-----0------0.00
10 - 235-----0-------0.00-----1------0.42
11 - 176-----0-------0.00-----7------3.83
12 - 187.5---2.5-----1.32----7.5-----3.85
13 - 158-----0-------0.00-----2------1.25
14 - 269-----0-------0.00-----8------2.89
15 - 213-----11------4.91----19------8.19
16 - 156-----0-------0.00-----5------3.11
17 - 237-----2-------0.84----10------4.05

Money game standings

03 - 251-----2-------0.79----16------5.99
04 - 244-----2-------0.81----12------4.69
17 - 237-----2-------0.84----10------4.05
11 - 176-----0-------0.00-----7------3.83
14 - 269-----0-------0.00-----8------2.89
06 - 131.5---0.5-----0.38----3.5-----2.59
01 - 193-----0-------0.00-----5------2.53
10 - 235-----0-------0.00-----1------0.42

That is 137 pounds so far between us.

Keep up the good work,
