Friday, April 21, 2006

Talkin' and Eatin'

Vague? Yeah it's vague.

OK, on my way into downtown Fort Worth today, yesterday now, I called a friend of mine from high school, Gregg Hallman, to tell him that I was having lunch with another friend from high school, Doug Parkhurst.

Gregg and I are very good friends, always have been, so I called him at his practice to tell him that Doug lives and works in Fort Worth. Gregg is doing fine and has 4 children, ages 9, 7, 5 and 3. To anyone that knows Gregg, and that is almost nobody who will read my banter, it is no surprise that his kids are exactly, perfectly, evenly spaced. He is the smartest, most calculated perfectionist, EVER. Even though he said that it was not planned, it was. He lives in Cape Gireaudo, Missouri, and is a Urologist. Nobody in our class ever dreamed that he would not be a doctor, hell, the only person in our class to beat him in Calculus or on the ACT test was me, even though he helped me a bunch in Calculus. I was close, but never as smart as he was. He just had a drive about him that told you that he would do great things with his future, and he did. We didn't talk long, he had patients to see, and I had things to eat, so we PLANNED to talk in a day or so, and we will.

Doug on the other hand, was not one of my best friends in school, but I did grow up with him and know him well. I was reserved about lunch, skeptical even. I did remain upbeat about it, but did not know how it would go. It was the best business lunch I have ever had! He works for a company that I want to do business with, and probably will after today. But lunch was exceptional. All we did was talk about old times, things we remembered together, and things we didn't. His mom used to drive them to Longworth, when Bill's now warehouse was a store and buy them Nehi drinks. They actually went there once and tried to go in when it was someone's residence or closed up. Anyway, it was fun. More later, I'm afraid the lighting will knock me offline and I don't want to lose what I have typed.

Later Jim

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Last Friday's Weights

This is for those still going. We weigh on Friday mornings now, but we were out of town and I forgot to post this.

Names or numbers?

Who cares, I'll use initials for now, just need approval from those concerned to use names from here on out. Either way is fine by me.

J - 229 that is the initial for Jim right?
A - 172
G - 226
K - 233
Ba - 177.5
Bi - 193

Anyway, if you get your weights in to me today, or this weekend, I'll post no later than Monday.

Keep up the good work.

By the way, this group of six has lost 195 lbs total, WOW! That's my and G's goal weight. Incredible!!
