Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Denton tournament picture

Here is a team picture from after the Denton tournament. As you can tell we are all in bad spirits about losing.

From left to right are:

Back row: Gabrielle(Gabby), coach Natalie, Jaclyn (Jac-Jac), Natalie(Nat-Nat), Coach Jim(me), Haylea(Inez), Haley(Hay-Hay), Letty(Adrianna)

Fron Row: Kendall(Pipsqueak) is on Brianna's(Bri) back and Madison(Madi)

Laura was missing from the tournament.

Jessica, Alexis, Madison and Bailey were missing from the team photo, but none of them went to the tournament.



Monday, June 12, 2006

You're gonna love this

Hey, I got up this morning, kissed the wife and baby goodbye (the other two were still asleep), grabbed a bottle of water and a soda from the fridge and left. I went to Jacksboro, got done with my stuff there, and headed to Lake Worth for my Monday sushi lunch with Barnett Gathering. My soda was empty, so I grabbed my water bottle, took a swig and thought, "Man, Ozarka is some good stuff, but this is gamey." I drank about 3/4 of the bottle on the way to lunch, went in and ate. When we were done, and I was climbing into my truck to come to the office, I reached over and found my WATER BOTTLE. Still full and unopened. What the hell? Then and only then did I realize that I had been drinking the sample of pool water that I was going to take to the pool place for analysis. SHIT, now my throat is burning, absolutely wonderful. Any bets on how sick I get before this is over? Gotta be a Monday.

