Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Natalie got lost on her first day of school. She goes to different rooms for different classes now, and lunch falls in the middle of her second class. She has Language arts first period, Science second period, then Math third period, and a kind of study hall for last period, so only four classes. She was unaware that after lunch she was supposed to go back to her second period class. I don't know where she went, but it wasn't the right place. I'm sure it happens all the time with the new 5th graders, but she was sure embarrassed. She really likes all her teachers, and is happy to be in the intermediate school. I think she feels like a grown up.

Nothing at all from Matthew. Sorry for the letdown, but so far so good. He is happy, and I guess his teacher is too, for the time being. No doubt that will all change, because he is a free spirit, but a loveable one. I will let you know as soon as something breaks that is newsworthy.

Everything else is fine, Brayden is army crawling all over the place, and just like Matthew, is behind Natalie's crawling and probably walking schedule. But they were both big, and I guess it takes a little more to be able to move all that mass (ass) around. No doubt he will do it in his own time. I personally have no schedule that must be kept, Angie either, for that matter. We know it will come, and are prefectly happy to wait for whatever he decides to do next. We will just enjoy playing in the floor with him, and hope we are not ignoring the other two in the process. I don't know if there is a happy medium there, but we are doing our best.

see ya then,


Monday, August 15, 2005


Got a short one for ya today to catch you up on the weekend. Saturday we went to the Dallas Museum of Natural History in Fair Park. This was cool, they had reconstructed dinosaur skeletons. They had a T-rex, a turtle the size of a bus, a 4 foot tall armadillo, and some other things. Very neat spot to go spend a hundred plus degree day.

Sunday we went to the Botanical Gardens in Fort Worth and walked around a bit. There are some very green pictures on Angie's blog. If you click on them they will enlarge, much more detail, especially of the third one. That was fun, but hot, very hot.

Today is the first day of school, both Nat and Matt are eating breakfast. We are going to take them in, instead of them ride the bus. Pick them up too, today. So off we go, hope you have a good Monday also.

