Saturday, March 03, 2007

Joke time.

I'm sorry sweetie, its really dark in bars.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Child abuse

I know, alot of people want me to recap Matthew's basketball games. Have you ever tried to recap a basketball game? If you are that damn interested, come to a game. Matthew played well, only scored one basket this year, and, well, we sucked. 1-6 was the record. Matt did get better throughout the season.

But, now on to the real blog. Serious stuff.

Child abuse!

How come, what used to be called dicipline is now called chid abuse? Different people say things, that I don't agree with about my upbringing. "Oh, your dad was too hard on you." Nah, not really. I got what I deserved 99% of the time. Maybe less than I deserved in accordance with the punishment that was being doled out at the time. "Your mom was mean back then." No, she was raising her boys how she saw fit. Back then, if you got what is called a "beating" now, in a grocery store, or Sears Roebuck, it was dicipline. Hell, it's why I say, "Yes mam", "No mam", "Yes sir" and "No sir" to almost everyone, and that is just polite. I hold doors, I pull out chairs, I help older people do things that they struggle with and I love my kids beyond reasonable restraints. I'm not afraid that people will misconstrue that as me having some kind of sick sexual relationship with any one of my children. I love them, and I do dicipline them in a way that most people now-a-days don't agree with. But, I don't care. I really have never cared what other people think, THAT'S HOW I WAS RAISED!! You think for yourself, the only person you have to deal with in the end is YOU.

I live by a few MAXIMS, or rules.

1. Always be true to yourself. If you go through life decieving yourself, you never know what is true. Yes, I know my own faults, I struggle with them daily, but I am at peace with most of them.

2. Respect your wife. You don't have to agree with her, but, when she is finished yelling, see if you can talk about things normally.

3. Love your family unconditionally. This includes extended family. Family is family, no matter how you look at it, you should just do away with the "in-law" part when it comes to your family.

4. Treat your friends well. There may be times you need them too, and wouldn't it be a shame if you called and nobody showed up? Sometimes, maybe I treat them a little too well, but I believe it will pay off when I am in a pinch.

5. Work hard. But do it for you and your family. A job is a job is a job. You don't have to like it, you just have to do it. You gotta eat, right? You might as well eat well.

There are a few more, they are important to me, but not worthy for discussion.

Now, on to child abuse.

Remember when we were kids? If you came home late, mouthed off to your mother, spilled something, farted out of turn or whatever. Your dad would strip off his belt, tie your hands behind your back with it, push you down and start kicking you in the kidneys. Mom would rush in and scream, "Leave him alone, you're gonna hurt him!" Then, dad would say, "You want some of this, Bitch?", and she would leave because she was too drunk to do anything. Then, he's strip off your shirt, and put out cigars on your back. Load you in the car, drive to the bad part of town and leave you in a urine soaked alley to DIE!

Now they call that CHILD ABUSE!!!! Sorry, here comes the F-word.

Fuckin' liberals!!!!!!!!

Yes, the last part was a joke. Dad didn't smoke cigars, Mom wasn't a drunk, and NO, none of this ever happened to me. But, the first parts of this are true to me.


I was afraid I was becoming to serious, that's why the lack of posts.

Tommorrow, I will provide the punch line, and we will see who comes up with the best joke. YES, tommorrow, you will have 'Til Tuesday, great band by-the-way, to post your answers.
