Monday, November 07, 2005

Belly Dancers

Yeah, yeah, Belly Dancers. We'll get to that in a minute.

On Saturday, we took Angie out for her birthday dinner. By we, I mean Angie's parents, Bill and Barbara, me and the kids, and Carrie and Olivia. I had a surprise dinner planned at Byblos Lebanese Restuarant in Fort Worth. Not a surprise party, but a surprise as to where we were going. But, because of my bad directions, and Carrie being new to the Metroplex, I had to give Carrie extra directions on the phone on the way to the restuarant, so Angie figured it out. That did not matter. The restuarant was wonderful. They give you olive oil, I guess, and pita bread to dip in it as your starter. Then we ordered pita bread with feta cheese, onions, tomatoes, and something else on it as an appetiser. It was wonderful. We all ordered different entres, not on purpose, we just did. Matthew had a Lebonese pizza, with feta cheese and ground sirloin, it was different, but good. He didn't eat much of it because the belly dancer came out not long after he recieved his food. Natalie had a sandwich with sirloin, tomatoes and something else in pita bread, I thought it was wonderful, but she didn't like it. I had Yellow squash stuffed with sirloin and spices, topped with tomatoes, with a side of rice, awesome. The rice is their signature food item, and it was awesome by itself. Angie had what was basically sirloin meatballs, with rice, but I can't remember what the other part of her meal was. Bill had sirlion and rice wrapped in cabbage leaves, with some type of yogurt dip. PS, the yogurt dip didn't get eaten! Barbara had pork slices, very garlicy, with pan fried potatoes, or very greasy french fries. Carrie had Lebonese fajitas, and they looked good also. I did not know what to expect, but the food was very good. I especially enjoyed what I ordered.

This was our first foray into a Lebonese restuarant, and definitely won't be the last. Now, as we were eating, the belly dancer came out to perform. Why do all belly dancers have a belly? She was a pretty woman with a SMALL GUT!! Matthew was very interseted until he figured out that we were watching him. At one point, he told me, "She's very nice, for her AGE."!!!!! OMG!! She was a nice lady, she wrapped her shawl around Oliva's neck for her to play with, and Carrie was worried that Olivia would spit up on it. At one point, she got Natalie up to dance with her, hopefully Nat will not want to be a belly dancer, because she has no belly. She did just fine without one, though. Brayden was mesmerized by the belly dancer also. Thank God, he likes girls already, although, I think it may have been the colors, the fire, and the lights that got him.

Afterwards, I was going to take everyone to a French Pastry shop for desert, but I don't think anyone could have downed another bite. We were there for almost 2 hours, so we parted ways with Carrie and Olivia, and went home. I gave Carrie new directions, and didn't hear from her on the way home, so I assume she made it OK.

All in all, we had a blast. We learned that we like, or I love, Lebonese food. Hell, it's food isn't it? Also, we all like to try new things, so why not with restuarants. If you don't like it, there is always a McDonalds on the way home, right?

I hope Angie had a good, if not great birthday experience.

I love you Honey!!

Happy Birthday!

I'll see you all then,
