Saturday, February 11, 2006


What would you do to win our biggest loser contest?

Me, if I am behind in the money competition, I will go on the Ethiopian Diet. Screw Adkins, the South Beach Diet or Diet pills. I will take my shoes off, rub dirt on my head and just eat flies. I don't think I can catch enough of them to gain any weight. I hear they are tasty and healthy, I just don't want to end up with a skinny body and a big belly. Oh wait, I already have the belly. OK, flies, dirt, no shoes and situps.

There you go, the winning strategy has been revealed.

Seriously, though, I would enjoy everyone getting their weights in on time and accurately, especially if you are playing for money. You know who you are. Also, I had a person tell me that no matter what kind of lead I had come March, that he could catch up and still win this. He also said, if I was to lose just a few more pounds that I would finally be to his start weight. Any guesses? I have not worked out in 2 weeks, but his words have inspired me to do so, so look out.



Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The weights are finally in!

Here we go.

1 = this weeks weight
2 = pounds lost this week
3 = percent lost this week
4 = total pounds lost
5 = total percent lost


01 - 186--------7--------3.63-----12------6.06
02 - 163--------1--------0.61------2------1.21
03 - 247--------4--------1.29-----20------7.49
04 - 243--------1--------0.41-----13------5.08
05 - 194--------3--------1.52-----16------7.62
06 - 135-----+3.5------+2.66------0------0.00
07 - 223--------2--------0.89-----10------4.29
08 - 243--------3--------1.22-----22------8.30
09 - out-------out-------out-----out------out
10 - 235--------0--------0.00------1------0.42
11 - 174--------2--------1.14------9------4.92
12 - 188-----+0.5------+0.27------7------3.59
13 - out-------out-------out-----out------out
14 - 268--------1--------0.37------9------3.25
15 - 215------+2-------+0.94-----17------7.33
16 - out-------out-------out-----out------out
17 - 234--------3--------1.27-----13------5.26

Money game

03 - 247--------4--------1.29-----20------7.49
01 - 186--------7--------3.63-----12------6.06
17 - 234--------3--------1.27-----13------5.26
04 - 243--------1--------0.41-----13------5.08
11 - 174--------2--------1.14------9------4.92
14 - 268--------1--------0.37------9------3.25
10 - 235--------0--------0.00------1------0.42
06 - 135------+3.5------+2.66------0------0.00

That now makes it 151 pounds total.



Monday, February 06, 2006


I guess now we know why I don't bet anymore. I still think the Seahawks were the better team, but I don't think my ex-bookie would understand.


Sunday, February 05, 2006

And another thing.

I think the Seattle Seahawks will win the Superbowl. I believe that they have the offensive line to stop the Pittsburg Steelers defensive line from troubling Matt Hasselback into bad mistakes. They are good enough at wide reciever to do it, Shawn Alexander was the MVP at running back, and their defense is good enough to stop Pittsburg.

So there it is, my Superbowl pick.

If I were betting, I would still take the 4 points, but I believe the Seahawks will win outright.

See ya then,

Any predictions? You can't come back later and say "I knew Pittsburg would win and Jim was an Idiot." You have to do it today.
