Thursday, September 14, 2006

Football season!

Matthew started playing football this year, as a matter of fact, he decided to play on the day of the first practice. That made things hectic.

We showed up, in shorts and a T-shirt, everyone else was in full pads. He went through practice and outran everyone, of course. He got his pads before the next practice and came back to earth a bit. The other boys on the team have been playing for at least a year. I was kind of dissapointed at first, that's why I didn't write anything on here, but now I am kind of impressed. Actually, I am very impressed with his progress. He is 1 to 3 years behind the other boys, and has never played football in anyone's front yard. Maybe at school, but never at home. Hell, I bought him a football 2 years ago and it still looks new, because it is. I have never wanted to push him, or Natalie for that matter, because I think 3rd grade is too young to start playing organized football. I have a feeling that some of the boys on this team will be burnouts by the time they start high school, no matter how good they are.

Now, I am happy with his progress. No, he is not on the level with most of the other boys, but he has really picked it up quickly. He is not nearly as lost on the field as he was, understandably. He enjoys the game now, and asks me questions about it all the time. I think he will do well, especially as the season progersses. He does not back down from bigger heavier kids, he is the youngest but tied for the tallest kid on his team, and very skinny. He can hold his own in the shoving contest that is blocking, and has come a long way in his tackling.

We have had one game, and I think we have 6 to go. By the end of the year he should be a regular, in on a lot of tackles, and very active. His games are on most Saturdays till the end of October. Come watch if you want to. If the game is uneventful, you can drive him home and learn a million or so things you didn't know before the game.

See ya then,
