Thursday, June 08, 2006

Tournament Recap

Hey, these will be a little shorter than usuall, but there are 4 games to go through. The books are kinda hit and miss, but then again, so is my memory. So, hold on, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

Game one, Friday night June 2nd, 8:00 pm. We were the visitors, because I was the last person to the plate for the coach/umpire meeting. Wow, what an idiotic concept. I'm glad the lady ump took a few shots to the "chest" in the second inning.

Now, let me start by saying that we did not have enough of our girls to play, only 8 were scheduled to show up, and I didn't find this out until Thursday night. Alexis was scheduled to be gone, but Jessica flew to Mexico to see her ill Grandma, and Madison and Bailey just were not going to show, had a feeling after I called twice and they still skipped practice. So, Natalie Carter and I were running around at practice like the chickens with no heads. We found 2 girls willing to play, and may I say, this was the best idea ever. They are both awesome, they are the children of the two coaches on the other good Decatur team, and were not in the tournament, but their sisters were and would already be there. Haley "Inez" McDaniel and Madison Minor are super kids, and the best players on their team. With Jessica gone, we were out a pitcher, and Jaclyn hasn't been up to snuff, so we were really only left with Haley Denard. She's good, but I didn't want it to fall on her shoulders completely. Inez throws, I don't know how to put this, uh, HARD, DAMN HARD, and Madison can pitch also, but is a better position player, actually an excellent position player. So there you go, Top of the first, we're up.

Quick version, they walked in 5 for us, and Madison knocked in the other, so we got our 6, time to play the field.

I started Jaclyn this game, because she is one of our pitchers and I wanted to. God, it's hard not to give a player with her heart one last shot, ya know. She walked 3 then gave up a well hit ball that just kept going, GRAND SLAM, uh oh. She was making some good pitches, but not enough. She walked in the final 2 in the inning, and I had to make a change. We decided at the first of the season not to go to this tournament, because of our performance last year, but as this game progressed, I really thought we could win it. So next inning would be INEZ time.

In the second, we batted, and scored 5 runs, don't know hits or walks, I stayed in the dugout and worried while David Minor coached first. Just a blur. I do remember in the first of the inning we had one on and two outs before our first run was scored, and we still pulled out 5 runs. Have I mentioned that this team is gritty, downright mean at times. We may not beat you in the game, but you don't want to talk crap to them, because if you make them mad, they may beat you, then do their little chest bump thing on the pitchers mound afterward to rub it in. Having a kid with a varsity softball sister lead to that, I have no doubt.

OK, Nezy time. She didn't start out too accurate, but she brought the heat. Just ask Mrs Umpire, or my wife for that matter, who had snot and drool going everywhere from trying so hard not to burst out laughing. Angie and Rene, Gabby's mom, were sitting beside each other trying so hard not to act the fools that they are, and it was hard to contain even for me, I must admit. Inez probably throws in the high 40's, possibly touches fifty once in a while, and she tagged the ump in the chest area about 3 or 4 times, and once in the elbow. Anyway, she allowed 4 runs before pulling it together and striking out the side to give us an 11-10 victory. You would have thought that we won the World Series. They were doing chest bumps, had Inez up on their shoulders, the works. Not a bad wat to start a tournament that sucked so bad last year. Oh yeah, that was against the Sanger Rangers.

Game two. Saturday June 3rd, 2:00 pm. By the way, I like these later games, it's a product of winning. The losing teams really get the short end of the stick as far as times go. But, who cares, we won, we got the good stuff, right?

Visitors again, and by the way, the girls were on my ass about not winning any of the coin tosses so far, even though I was only involved in one. They were not happy about being the visitors again, and that was a god sign, as far as I was concerned. We're up in the bottom of the first. Inez at the plate. P.S. I just realized this will be a wicked long post, so you may want to go get a snack or something. Don't forget to keep an eye out for your boss, I don't want to get you in trouble or anything, but at the same time, don't stop reading. Awesome news at the bottom, but don't skip ahead either, I'm gonna hide it. Inez at the plate, she got hit, was fine and came on to first, where I was back at my post, hell, it's the only place for me to be. Jaclyn singled her to third, the Brianna walked to load the bases for Gabby, who walked and we scored our first run against the Krum Wildcats. Then, Kendall walked, followed by Letty striking out and Madison being put out at first, but knocking in a run again. Natalie got hit, Haley walked, pushing across our third forth run, Laura got hit, 5 runs and Inez walked to push us to 6. Look out here we come.

Haley D started this game on the mound for us. Walked one, got an out at first, walked a few more, giving them 5, then struck out 2 in a row, to preserve a 6-5 lead for us.

We came up with Jaclyn, who walked, Brianna singled, Gabby and Kendall walked. 7-5 now, Letty struck out, Madison singled, Natalie struck out, 9-5. Haley walked, laura was hit again, now very mad, Inez walked, and Jaclyn, who decided if I wasn't going to let her pitch would just hit every ball thrown her way, doubled in everyone left on base, to make it 12-5.

Haley D. went back out and did her thing, she gave up 4 runs, but struck out the last 3 batters, so we were up 12-9 going into the third inning.

OK, we were batting, where we were most comfortable all year. Brianna walked, then, for no apparent reason, Gabby and Kendall struck out. Brianna on third, Letty at the plate, who had struck out twice so far, and was fuming, singled in Bri, then Madison hit a pretty good ball, but was thrown out at first, ending the inning. 13-9.

Haley D. cam out and did it again, with a little help from her friends. First batter, out at first. Walk, walk, walk, then a single, scoring 2, 13-11. Force out at first, 13-12, then MAGIC. Pop up to first, three girls converging on it, and I thought, "Shit, they are going to run into each other, fall down, and miss the ball!"
But Madison Minor, came up from behind to snag it, and we won our second game 13-12. Freakin nail biters, I love those games, win or lose, they are fun.

Now on to game 3, against the eventuall winners of the tournament, and let me tell you, they are outstanding. The pitcher they threw against us was only 8 years old. She will be an incredible college player if she doesn't burn out. They had not been challenged in the tournament winning 13-0 and 15-1, in their first two games. Hey, at least I won the coin flip, so we were home right?

Inez pitched this time, and struck out the first two batters, and I thought, "Oh hell, why not just win this one too.". But it was south from there, she lost her controll, we could not hit their 8 year old, and got beat 15-0 and were one short of batting our line up, which only consisted of 10 girls in a 3 inning game. They were a little down, but they kept their chins up, and promised to be ready for game 4 Sunday at 9:30 am. Championship day. Only 8 of the 16 teams made it to Sunday, and two of them were out befor we took the field for our first game. So down to 6 teams when we played, and one of them left was the Krum team that we beat.

Game four. Sunday June 4th 9:30 am. I lost the coin toss again, which made the team mad, but it wasn't enough this time.

Madison singled, Natalie and Haley struck out, and Inez hit a ball to the second baseman, who threw her out at first. No runs, one hit, one left on base.

Haley D. was back on the mound for this tilt, against the Colony Hurricanes. She gave up our 6 in the first inning, but she pitched well, they just hit better. She got mad, and was ready for the second inning, which would not be far off.

We came up to bad, Jaclyn walked, the Brianna, Gabby and Kendall struck out, ending the inning. Still 0-6 them.

Haley came out and pitched better, She only gave up three runs, struck out 2 and Jaclyn and Natalie combined on a nice 6-3, shortstop to first base, put out in the middle of the inning. Nat had her focus back at first base, because I played her primarily in the outfield in this tournament, because the other teams could hit and she can cover some ground and knows what to do with the ball when she gets it. Haley D, Inez and Laura also played primarily in the outfield for the same reasons. They all run well and have a good sense about them as to what a situation dictates.

OK 9-0, and we were up again, Letty led off with a triple, wow, what a blast, wish it would have been a homerun, but they got the ball back to the pitcher, and she had to hold up. Madison hit a nice ball, scoring Letty, but was put out at first. Natalie and Haley struck out. By now, the girls, especially Haley, were steaming, thinking they were embarrasing themselves, and the level of play picked up a bit.

Haley gave up a deep double that Natalie tracked down and got in quickly to hold the runner at second. Then a putout at first, then a single to score them a run, then 2 strikeouts to end the inning. Only one run for them, and everyone was happier, they knew they had done it too late, but they knew that they still had what it took to play with anyone.

We came up with a little more life, Inez singled. I finally decided to try out their awesome catcher, reminded me of Bobby she was so good at throwing to second, but Jaclyn hit one in the air to the first baseman, who was lucky to catch it, but did, then stepped on first to double up Inez, who was in fast forward to second. OOPS! My bad. Brianna hit a massive single, then Gabby struck out, but Bri stole second and third, just to show it could be done, I guess, nobody sent her.

They came up and scored a run before time expired, and won 10-1. But, they had to stay on that hot as hell field and play the next game, at 11:00 am. Don't get me wrong, we would have gladly stayed, but we accomplished more than we set out to do. We won two games in the tournament, placed 5th out of 16 teams, and thereby qualified for the state tournament in San Marcos. There is no way in hell that we go there. I would if they just let me and Angie take the girls, but parents are never on time, and that far away, fogetabotit!! This tournament was supposed to be in Witchita Falls, so there was a chance we would go, but when I learned it was in San Marcos, no chance.

I AM VERY PROUD OF ALL THAT THE GIRLS HAVE ACCOMPLISHED THIS YEAR! WE WILL BE BACK NEXT YEAR IN THE 12 AND UNDER DIVISION, AND THEY BETTER WATCH OUT. WE ALSO MAY KEEP INEZ AND MADISON AND GO TO A 4 PERSON COACHING STAFF. I feel that Natalie and I have tried to keep too much of this to ourselves and we haven't helped the girls be as good as they can be, so HELP NEEDED! I would welcome it, Billy and David are great and so are their daughters.

Also in other news, for those of you who don't read my cousin Beth's blog, she just found out that she is 4 months preggo. That's right, a new baby is on the way. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Have a wonderful day,


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

New Weights

Here are the new weights.


That's it for now.


Sunday, June 04, 2006

Game Four

Well, we came out a little flat, and got beat 11-1, but after their 6 run first inning, we held them to 5 over the next 3 innings. Not too bad, very proud of MY girls. We went farther in this tournament than any group all the way back to the girls that are on varsity right now. What a weekend, can't wait to go back to work for a little R&R. I will post details of all the games a little later.
