Sunday, June 04, 2006

Game Four

Well, we came out a little flat, and got beat 11-1, but after their 6 run first inning, we held them to 5 over the next 3 innings. Not too bad, very proud of MY girls. We went farther in this tournament than any group all the way back to the girls that are on varsity right now. What a weekend, can't wait to go back to work for a little R&R. I will post details of all the games a little later.



At 8:34 AM, June 05, 2006, Blogger Angie said...

..and a side note, Because the girls made it to Sunday...they qualify to go to the State tournament. It's in Wichita Falls, but it OF COURSE costs $$$ and that's a lot of driving to ask the parents to do.


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