Wednesday, May 31, 2006

One Last Hurrah

Well, this is it. If you haven't blown up the picture of Natalie's hit and made it your background yet, you need to. That ball was still going up in that picture. WOW! That kid can hit. Our final tournament is this weekend. We kick things off Friday night at 8:00 PM against the Sanger Rangers. If we win, we play Saturday at 2:00 PM and if we lose we play Saturday morning at 11:00. No idea how this will go. If it is anything like last year, our final game will be at 11:00 AM Saturday morning, but maybe we will do a little better this time around. Come see. If we lose 2 straight games, I will buy everyone that is there lunch. Just a little incentive, now come out and see what happens.

Till then,



At 8:51 AM, May 31, 2006, Blogger Angie said...

Free room and board is also offered :)

At 9:26 AM, May 31, 2006, Blogger Jim said...

Now, don't get crazy! They have to first pass the 125 point inspection that is mandatory on all prospective guests at Berryman Inn.

At 4:22 PM, May 31, 2006, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

I wish we could come - maybe one day we will make it back over!

At 3:30 PM, June 02, 2006, Blogger Reagan said...

Oh how we would love to be there! - but with our current luck its probably best for you guys that we can't make it. Good luck!.. hit'em hard :)


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