Monday, July 02, 2007


Everybody has heard the expression, right? He don't know shit from shine-ola. Yeah, I'm probably spelling it wrong, but what the hell is shine-ola? Anybody? You would think the people at the Shine-ola Corporation would have said something about it by now, to let everyone know that they don't make shit!

Bye the way, I wanted you guys to know. I drink, but I drink for a different reason than you do. You drink to feel good, drown your sorrows, get a buzz on or whatever. I drink to kill brain cells. That's it, period. I'm still chasing the ones that knows the lyrics to "Ice, Ice Baby" and "Achey-Breaky Heart". When I get those two, I'll quit!

I heard a story about a woman giving birth to 7 children at once. The doctor must have thought he was watching the front door at Chucky Cheese's at closing time. Hell, he was probably waiting for the clown to bring out a pizza before he gave up on this birth.

Also, she had 7 umbilical cords. Seven umbilical cords! That must have looked like the back of an entertainment center. He was probably worried that he would cut the one that lead to his VCR if he got the wrong one.

Just for chuckles.



At 6:10 PM, July 02, 2007, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

You are soooo crazy


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