Monday, June 04, 2007


OK. Need a laugh? Well, I'll help you out like Lorena Bobbitt with a Ginsu knife.

I know I sound a little crabby, but there is supposed to be a shampoo to help out with that.


Why do men have nipples? They don't work, so wouldn't that make them the original Milk Duds?


How come racehorses never have to pee like us?


If Richard Simmons was an insect would he be a lady bug or a fruit fly?


If you were smoking pot with Mike Tyson, passed it too him and said. " 'Ear. "
Would he say, "No man, I'm good, you go ahead."?

Inside our grocery store there is a food donation box. Everytime I go, I fill it all the way up. Hell, there is no sign that says you have to pay for it first.

Women obviously love shoes. Hell, that is the only piece of clothing that a stripper won't take off.

Kids today have it made. They have the X-box, Playstation and the Gamecube. What did we have growing up? OUTSIDE! Give these kids OUTSIDE for Christmas and let's see how long it takes for them to learn how to play with that.

My wife was the youngest child in her family. Every time I picked her up for a date, she automatically got in the back seat!

Hope you got a laugh.



At 8:16 AM, June 04, 2007, Blogger Angie said...

Not bad...nice to see joke that are "G" rated :)

At 8:36 PM, June 04, 2007, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

I like all your jokes -- every the R rated ones!!


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