Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Am I gonna write a book?

Well, to be honest, I don't know if I can or not. I have thought about it since my best friend, Bill Boice, died. At first, I wanted to write a book about him. I actually put some time into it, but, in the end, gave up. It wasn't very good. I waited too long to do it. It took me about 2 years after Bill died to start it. Bill's accident sucked then and it still sucks today. But, the simple fact is that we only knew each other for about 7 years. Best friend or not, there was not, as I know now, enough to work with. So, with that in mind, I am gonna try on another topic.

This time I am gonna write about someone that I know a great deal more about. And, with a little help, will learn even more about. PAPA. Yeah, Robert Alonzo Berryman. I'm gonna give it a go, even if it never leaves the pages of this blog. Did I spell leaves wrong? I can't tell. I have written 4+ pages of 1-2 word reminders for me to go off of. It took about 25 minutes. Jesus, how many things have I forgotten?

There will probably not be the same standard bullshit in this story that I usually put into the other stuff. I just want to put down what I remember of the times we spent together. There will probably be a lot of skipping around. I will undoubtedly remember things as I go along. Certain things will trigger other things, and so on. I will try to tell the story as I remember it. Not starting at birth, but we may work our way back that way. That just made me remember something else. When we lived beside them, on the FARM, I remember more of Granny early on. Running next door and so on. Not complete thoughts yet.

I'll give you one to get it rolling. Not sure where it will fall cronologically, but...I do, absolutely, remember Papa waking me up, by rolling the ice cold beers ,that he found in the cooler in the back of my truck, into bed with me. Now, I wish he would have finished it off by pouring the ice and water on me too. I must have been, at least 18. Still not leagal in most of the country, but around Knox City...........


P.S. Papa is the only grandparent that I have lost so far. I know that I am very fortunate in that regard. Please don't think that I am slighting any of my other grandparents by trying to write this. I spent more of my time growing up with him than the other three. And yes, unexpected to some, I am still very emotional when I think about him. I will absolutely cry my ass off, like now for instance, when I write this. Maybe that is why I have put it off so damn long. But Granny said something to me, when I took her home last time that really triggered it. We left my house, and were going by the bowhunting ranch 1/4 mile down the road. When she saw the buffalo, she said, "Papa would have loved this." Then I told her about the hogs they have there, and how I can never not think about him when I see them.

One morning, when I used to get to take the kids to school, I saw a herd of hogs and just started bawling. The kids asked what was wrong. When I told them that they made me think of Papa, we were all bawling then. God, I wonder what the school thought when I dropped them off.


At 8:38 AM, June 07, 2007, Blogger Angie said...

Ramble away dear. That's what blogging there for. You can bouce all over the place on topics and we are just along for the ride :)

At 6:51 PM, June 08, 2007, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

I loved Papa!!! I think we called him Papa because he looked some much like Carrie and my Paw Paw -- of the 13 kids I think they were the only two that looked like each other. They both were the sweetest men - except my Paw Paw died when I was 11 - so I didn't have as much time with him -- so I took to Robert and he took to us as well. I just remember everyone getting together and they are all there playing their instruments and Grandma Berryman standing in the middle of the circle just dancing away. I never will forget the time you, little Bill, and Bobby tried to catch the pigs -- that was so funny. Or when Carrie hit the hog in the nuts with the cattle prod, or when she tried to shoot the skunk and it sprayed her as PaPa was yelling for her to get in the trunk and she had to sleep on the porch for a week because she smelled so bad. Or watching you all sneak the Moon shine wine! Man those were the good ole days! I hope you do write Memoirs of PaPa it will be awesome.

At 6:51 PM, June 08, 2007, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

get in the truck -- not trunk oops!

At 10:23 AM, June 09, 2007, Blogger Jim said...

In the trunk is better.

At 8:59 AM, July 01, 2007, Blogger Lisa said...

Hey Jimmy I think writing a book about Papa is a great idea!! I only knew him for a few years, but in those few years I really loved that man!! He was such a great and wonderful person! I truly miss him and I am saddened that my children never got to meet him!! I will definitely make Billy read this! I know he would love it!!


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