Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Game of the Year

Well, as I said in the last post, Tuesday night we played what I think will be our biggest game of the year. Whadda ya want, recap style or play by play, hell let's go the long route. Here comes the play by play version.

First inning: We were the visitors, so we batted first, never the chosen position to be in when you are in a big game, so we needed to get out to a fast start. Remember the other team is very good and has a great pitcher.

Visitors half:

First batter was our beloved Natalie. She had some good cuts at the ball, but got in a hole 1 ball and 2 strikes, but managed to get a walk. Natalie proceded to steal second then third base while their pitcher struck out batter number 2, Haley. Ok, one out, runner on third, Bailey comes up to the plate and gets a walk. Steals second, so one out, runners on second and third. Their pitcher procedes to strike out our next two batters, Laura and Alexis. WHAT?! Damn, what a disaster. This is a very bad feeling, I can assure you.

Home half of the First Inning:

Jessica was our pitcher for this game, if not our best pitcher, she is the guttiest. Huge heart. OK, Jess walks the first two batters, then gives up a triple to their third batter, scoring two runs. OUCH! Nobody out, runner on third, two in. Jessica gave up a single to the next batter, but fielded the ball and held the runner on third, no throw to first. Then, she struck out the next batter, then the next. So, Two outs, Two on, and Two in, but she busted her finger open, index on her pitching hand, so she had to come out. In steps Haley, fresh off of striking out herself in the first inning, and walks the first batter she faces. Now we have bases loaded, two outs, trailing by 2 runs. Haley strikes out the next batter and gets us out of the inning, YEAH!!!

On to the Visitors half of the Second inning.

Up steps Jaclyn, our hero pitcher from the last game, she walks. Then Madison, she also walks. Jaclyn stole second and third during Madison's at bat, then Madison stole second as Brianna, the other coaches kid, took ball one. Next pitch, Brianna jacked one into the outfield and ran all the way around the bases for a homerun. Hey hey, wadda ya know, we're leading 3-2, nobody out, nobody on. Gabby steps up and gets us a single, Then Kendall takes a walk, followed by Letty taking a walk also. So, bases loaded, nobody out, 3-2 lead. Jessica, with a bandaged finger, steps to the plate and hits a popup that no one caught this time and all the runners advance one base scoring one more run. 4-2, nobody out. Next up, Nat Nat. She had a one pitch at bat producing an RBI single, 5-2 nobody out. Then Haley, still fuming about her earlier strike out, and it was a bad call by the ump, RBI single!!! Damn, now we have a 6-2 lead, but we have to come in because of the six runs per half inning rule, or we might still be there. This was, by the way, still off of their best pitcher, and she is really good.

Home half of the Second Inning:

Not only did Jessica bat with a bandaid on her throwing hand, she came back out and pitched. Not only did she pitch, but she struck out the first batter, caught a pop up from the second, and struck out the third batter, for an incredible 1-2-3 inning. That's just the medicine we were needing. So, after two innings, we were still up 6-2.

Visitors half of the third inning:

These games go fast when both sides know how to play, and these two did. Last year we never even reached the third inning once. We still had 25 minutes of time left. Bailey came up and walked, then Laura got a hit on her first pitch, sending Bailey, who was stealing, on to third. Then Alexis grounded out to the first baseman, but Bailey scored, and Laura moved over to third. 7-2, one out, runner on third. Up steps Jaclyn, and she strikes out? HUH? Not in the plan. Madison came out of the game with a sprained ankle, so here comes Homerun Bri, Brianna, and she also struck out. In the middle of the third inning, we led 7-2 on the strength of Alexis's RBI ground out.

Home half of the third:

Jessica walked the first batter, then struck out the second. One on, one out. Then a walk to put two runners on, a steal to make it second and third. Then a deep ground ball, that Jessica fielded, giviing her no shot at the runner going from third to home, but she threw out the girl going to first, with Gabby making a great barehanded catch. One on, two outs, and one in, 7-3. Jessica then struck out the next batter to end the inning.

Visitors half of the fourth inning:

Gabrielle had a nice single, then stole second and third. Kendall singled her in, stole second and third, then Letty walked and stole second. Up steps Jessica, 8-3, on outs, runners on second and third. She singled in both girls and proceded to steal second and third. Natalie walked and stole second. Haley hit a ball hard, Jessica and Natalie scored, Haley, still running, was at third, almost, when the pitcher tried to throw Natalie out at the plate and the catcher missed the ball, so Haley kept running. The catcher recovered the ball and tagged Haley out at the plate.
So, 12-3, nobody on, one out. Bailey walked and then Laura ground out to first, and Alexis struck out, ending our half of the inning again, but with a 12-3 lead.

Time had expired during our at bat, meaning we could not start a new inning, but the home team could bat, but we are only allowed 6 runs per half inning, and they were down 9. BALLGAME!!!!! We won, I am astounded. We played very well, the hitting is very impressive, and defense is alarming, almost heart attack worthy at times, but we beat what will probably be the best team we face the rest of the year, until the tournament in May. So, I am very proud.

Come see one if you can, yes, I know they are all mid week, but it would be worth it, I promise.

See ya then,


P.S. I am only waiting on one weight, and will post as soon as I get it.



At 6:40 PM, April 05, 2006, Blogger The Oldies said...

Man I sure hope you are keeping this for your old age to tell to nats kids

At 10:19 PM, April 05, 2006, Blogger Angie said...

It was a fantastic game :)

At 7:09 AM, April 06, 2006, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Do you write all this down as you are coaching or what --- that was pretty in depth!! It was almost like we were at the game!! hahaha That is awesome that Nat has such a good team to play on and coach.

At 8:58 AM, April 06, 2006, Blogger Jim said...

No, but I can decipher a scorebook and add that with what I remember. I always wanted to be a baseball broadaster, maybe the Rangers have an opening.

At 9:40 AM, April 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved it. Thanks

At 3:01 PM, April 06, 2006, Blogger Kim :) said...

Great post! :) I wish we could have seen it! Kelsey's team plays tonight against the "competition" we have won both games so far and so has the team we play tonight. Should be interesting indeed! I am ready for it!

At 4:55 PM, April 06, 2006, Blogger The Oldies said...

+Wish we could have seen that one. We are going to make it one of these days.


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