Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Anniversary, our's that is!

Well, Monday was our anniversary. I feel bad for all the people that bet on it not lasting! You lost! This marriage will never end, even when we try, I think we are jinxed, in a good way.

We were going to go to the water park in Denton on Sunday and play around, but Angie didn't feel well. Breakfast is her meal, and she actually got up, left, and went back to bed Sunday morning, after only one bite. Absolutely not like her! About 8:00 pm, we went to the emergency room in Denton, and she is still there. It's Tuesday morning now.

I stayed with her till about 4:00 am Monday morning, then went home to rest a little, because she was still in the emergency room, and all I had was a folding chair.

They transfered her to the Surgery Center for Women about 4:15 am, and when I went back to the ER, where she was supposed to be, she was gone. After I found out were she went, I kinda freaked, a little. But, she is OK now. She ruptured an Ovarian Cyst. They have her there still on anitbiotics, but she should be out Tuesday afternoon.

Bill and Barbara, her dad and mom, came out immediately, and saw her, then took the kids home to rest. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I know you would have done it anyway, but Thank You!

So, our anniversary was spent in the hospital. Me doing crossword puzzles, and her watching TV and sleeping. Wow, what a date I am! Who else could pull off a 4 piece McNuggett Happy Meal, with Powerade for an anniversary dinner?

I left her tonight in good spirits, but I will never forget, the last words I said to her Sunday night/Monday morning, before I left. "Happy Anniversary, I Love You"

I do, I love her like I never thought I could love anyone. I KNOW THAT MOST OF YOU DON'T SEE THAT SIDE OF ME, ESPECIALLY WITH HER! She is my rock, and it kills me that I can't make this better. That's supposed to be my job in life.

Everything will be fine though, just bad timing. We decided not to call everyone and worry them, so don't be mad. We just cope with things in our own way, that's all.

So, Wednessday or Thursday would probably be a good day to check in on her, she will be home, but probably not totally back to health on Tuesday. Not that it will stop any of you from calling, but she will be tired, and probably forced, by me, to be unavailable.

Just an update



At 9:00 AM, July 11, 2006, Blogger Kim :) said...

Oh my goodness!! Glad to hear that she is doing good now. How scary! I will obey your wishes and not call her until Wed or Thur, but you know that will be difficult! Please let her know we are thinking about her. Love you guys!

At 5:29 PM, July 11, 2006, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Just tell her we love her and hope she gets to feeling better. I am off this weekend if I need to come over and take the kids off your hands for a few hours I will. Denton waterpark sounds like fun!!! Call me if you need me!! Love you All

At 7:12 PM, July 11, 2006, Blogger Reagan said...

Ouch! I've had a few of those - one had to be surgically drained. I hope she recovers quickly and never has to experience this again!
Much love and good thoughts!


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