Friday, September 29, 2006

Little Sahara, Oklahoma

Well, our annual dune trip was this past Saturday through Wednessday. Once again, this year was a blast. Just 4 of of went, but it is the same 4 that are always there with whoever else shows up. Little Sahara is a Oklahoma State Park, just south of Waynoka Oklahoma. It's a long ways to go, but it was worth it. We rented a house for the 5 days and there is a sand trail to the dunes from our house that is open 24 hours a day. Also the towns only business, or commerce, I guess comes from people who travel there to ride in the dunes, so you can ride anywhere in town that you want to on your 4-wheeler. The store, the market, the BAR, what ever. Anyway, Brian, Cody, Todd and I were there to ride 24/7 and we almost did, when we weren't doing other things. There are a few pictures below. Hope everyone is well.



At 7:25 PM, September 29, 2006, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Looks like you had a great time!


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