Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Right now!!!

Alright, give me a second here, and see what you think.

Right now, somebody is cheating on their wife, somebody is cheating on their husband, somebody is eating chicken, somebody is eating beef, somebody is dying, somebody is being born, somebody is being completely cheated out of a little girls softball game, somebody is winning a little girls softball game, somebody is speeding, somebody is having a wreck, and somebody made it home safely.

Any guesses???

Yeah, I feel like we were completely cheated out of our game tonight, and it has nothing to do with how well we played. The umpire was 100%, COMPLETELY BIASED! Now let me back this up with, umpires make mistakes, THAT, I don't mind as long as it is the same for each team. But, tonight was a complete abhoration. We played a game in Boyd, and the calls were horrible, almost to the point where I protested the game. The only reasons that I didn't were, 1: I really don't know what difference it would have made, and 2: if we see this team in our tournament, we will destroy them with an impartial umpire. This was the most ridiculous game I have ever been involved in, and I have been a few bad ones. No, I'm not just bitching because we lost, but because it was totally unfair. The calls were completely different depending on who was batting. If we were batting, almost everything was a strike. If we were pitching, almost everything was a ball. One pitch, thrown by our pitcher, landed between our catchers feet, then went between the umps feet, and he called it inside!!! #$%#$^#%#&$%^& WHAT?! One thrown by their pitcher, hit the plate, and was called a strike, but should have been called a DEAD BALL, and a ball in the pitch count, but wasn't. I really didn't know what to do. I didn't want to make an ASS out of myself infront of MY girls, because I don't want them to think that it is OK to do so in a game, but DAMN, give me a break, give us a break! A strike is a strike is a strike, no matter where you play a game. Not so tonight!!

We did lose the game, but I don't care, there was no way we could have won. The girls did a great job. They didn't complain, but a couple did cry, not because we lost, but because I told them in our third, and last inning, that "You need to swing the bat if you think a pitch is close", and they struck out, and they thought we lost because of that. NO, that was not why we lost, we lost because if they swung or not, that pitch was going to be called a strike, and I would rather go down swinging with at least a chance of putting a ball in play than to watch a ball be called a strike. It didn't seem to matter if a ball was 1" off the ground when it crossed the plate, or was above the brim of their batting helmet, it was a strike. BULLSHIT!! Haley, our pitcher, hit the catcher's mitt several times and it was called a ball, because the Boyd girl didn't swing. At one point in the second inning, Jessica, last game's pitcher, jumped to avoid a ball hitting her, and the ump called it, yeah you guessed it, a strike.

I'm actually sorry to get on my own blog, where I don't care what you think about it, and bitch about a game I wasn't involved in and really doesn't matter, but this is supposed to be about the girls!! I guess it WAS about the girls, if they were from Boyd.

Here is what I have to say about tonight. We had a great ride down, Angie had hell with Brayden who missed his nap, and we had a nice supper at Subway (in Boyd). At one point, Angie, who was sitting in the suburban, yelled strike three so loud, that the umpire had to check the books to see if it was true, and it was. I guess he was going to give them 4 strikes per at bat, something I didn't catch, but she busted him on. Thanks BABE!!!

So, here is tonights short summary of the game. BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT! BULLSHIT!

Nobody should do girls, especially my girls, that way. OH, and now that I have been put on the Decatur Girls Softball Committe, spelling please, maybe I can get that changed.

That's it,



At 8:37 AM, April 11, 2006, Blogger Angie said...

It was truely that bad. He's not exaggerating. I parked DIRECTLY behind home plate and I watched EXACTLY where each ball went. I truely made my stmoach turn. Not metaphoricly (sp?), but I was actually sick to my stomach cause it was surreal to sit there and watch this happen.

Anyway, our girls did the best they could under the situation. But it's crap like this that can make a young child come back and say "Mom/Dad I don't want to play anymore!"

At 8:53 AM, April 11, 2006, Blogger Kim :) said...

OH man, that really sucks!! I am sorry that you guys, and the girls, had to go through that. You're right, umpires make mistakes. but there is a difference in making mistakes and blatantly being biased to one team! I don't think I would have kept my cool without saying something to the SOB!! Grr. Keep up the good work with the girls!

At 4:38 PM, April 11, 2006, Blogger BETH REMILLARD said...

Poor Girls - maybe they will see them at the playoffs and show them how a real team plays!!!


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